No Risk Returns
Thanks for choosing Today's Boxing! We are love serving the boxing community. When you order from us, we want to make sure you have the best experience possible. For that reason, we will do everything we can to help!
Luckily, our products are so unique and eye-catching that returns are extremely rare!
We are so confident you will love our products and fully support them with a 30 day money back guarantee.
Please send us an email to and create a return request.
You will have 30 calendar days from when you ordered to request a return.
You will be responsible for the cost of shipping the item back.
Your order may arrive in multiple packages if you order different products. This is because we use multiple suppliers in order to get the best products possible for our customers.
Most products are proudly shipped from the United States.
FREE SHIPPING within the USA changes from time to time. Usually, there is a purchase amount that must be met.
We offer FREE SHIPPING over $75 Outside of the USA.
Please allow 7-14 business days for delivery.
However, orders shipped within USA are generally delivered in 3-5 business days after processing is complete.
Due to global supply issues and the pandemic, shipping times are subject to delays.